Dependability and safety RAMS
all aptitudes (reliability, availability, maintainability, safety) of a product which enable it to have the specified functional performances, at the requested time, for the considered duration and without damage for itself and its environment
Note 1 to entry: — for the user, this is a guarantee that the product will provide the expected services when they are needed; — for the company, this is a guarantee that the product to be delivered will retain the specific functional performance, with an acceptable level of probability; — for the expert, this means choosing and implementing exactly the right tools and methods for obtaining RAMS performance.
Note 2 to entry: for certain products, the RAMS concept can be expanded to other aptitudes such as survivability, invulnerability, durability, etc.
Note 3 to entry: certain fields of activity do not include the safety aspect.
Note 4 to entry: RAMS takes the interface with security into consideration.
Note 5 to entry: the aggressions of the environment on the product are to be taken into account at the level of the aptitudes.
Go to the French version: sûreté de fonctionnement